Dionysius Rosé
Or Dio for short. No one remembers how to spell his name.Theater kid incarnate, Dio is highly eccentric and impulsive. He's got a kind heart and a straightforward naivity most others would stoop to calling childish, but Dio is a guy who believes in himself and those around him. Dio loves being cool and basking in the glow of the spotlight, but knows he'd be nothing without someone to share it with. It's cool to be cool, but cooler to be cool with someone cool.
The son of a werewolf and a witch, left in his mother (and 3 wives') care from birth. He was doted upon and he was in FACT a "really special little guy". However, inhereting his father's lycantrophe left his mother little other choice than to use her connections to I.R.I.S. to find a cure. Oda took him in under the assumption Dio did not need a cure, he just needed a way to control himself. While spending time on campus, he was offered tutorship of his choice and settled on martial arts and pilot training when he was old enough. He eventually gained control of his lycantrophy, and graduated as a Class A Pilot.
Dio's hobbies include dancing, martial arts and beauty products. He takes incredibly good care of his looks, be it in day to day life or out in the field. He practices ballet and Taekwondo.