Elijah Orson
Commonly reffered to as EliEli is best described as a friendly and outgoing hothead with endless faith in others, brimming with cool guy empathy. He is people-smart, but has a tendency to not understand cultural or linguistic differences. This coupled with a quirk of speaking his mind freely makes him look like a dumbass whenever he's not literally being the coolest guy you ever met.
Eli grew up with a loving single mother, someone he always looked up to and could proudly say "My Mom's an astronaut!" about on the schoolgrounds. When he grew up, he would be just like her. And once he got in he refused his mother to give him special treatment, he wanted to prove himself! He majored in Arwing space flight training and Paleontology.
Eli's interests include competitive eating and anything involving dinosaurs. You'll get him talking for hours on pre-historic lizards if you as much as mention them! Eli also sports an incredibly quick metabolism, he's convinced puberty simply forgot to take that away from him, but he loves using it to his advantage nonetheless.