Poe Rockwell
This is just like that drug trip I saw in that movie when I was on that drug trip.IMPULSION INCARNATE!! (That's good, right?). Poe is a dare devil with good reflexes who has a quick wit in the moment, but usually only thinks one step at a time. He is good hearted, extremely affectionate and quickly gets attached to things.
Poe comes from a whole different dimension where his home country of Chicago was laid to waste by thermonuclear warfare. He grew up in a vault with his single mother and cherishes every memory he has of her. After accidentally blowing up his planet, he got thrown across the universe into a black hole and ended up here! Good thing Ash was there to catch him with his arwing... that immediately crashed...
Poe is a scavenger at heart, he keeps hold of things he doesn't really need but he thought looked neat in the moment. Particularily he enjoys collecting cassette tapes as spent most his time in the vault listening to music and dancing with his mom. Poe also loves GUNS but he has a hard time finding ones that fit his giant fingers.